
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet the NEW and IMPROVED... ME!

So the other day I was just "sitting around."
When I thought, OMG, since Bobby hasn't been working all the time, I feel like I've been a BUM! And I'm LAZY!

It's true! I'm not afraid to admit it.
I would sleep in until 8 maybe 9(One day I even slept in till 10!)... Which made me feel like I was dead to the world for the rest of the day! I was completely useless! I still worked out every night and I was still, what you could call, a mom. But I felt like I was NOT being the best person I could be!
(Just so you know... I realized all of this in a matter of about 10 seconds!)

So I did a test yesterday... I decided to get up at 5. (Okayyyy, that didn't happen! Even when you go to bed early it's still hard to get up at 5!) But I did get up at 7, when Bobby got back from doing his P90X thing! =]
I then went to the gym! (I hadn't been to the gym since St. Louis. I just ran outside. It's cold here.)
I then ran a mile. (I ran miles in California, but it had been awhile. This was a big deal!)
I then did abs. (Which I do everyday. But now twice a day.)
Then I lifted. (Which I also do everyday. Now twice a day.)

And HOLY COW! Did I have a fabulous day, or what?! It felt so good to be up and active throughout the day!
So I did it again today! =]
Today is the ultimate test! It better be a good day too. Or else I might go back to being LAZY!

I'm also trying to be a better mom. I love my baby SO much and only want the best for him! Even when he completely destroys his room during nap time... =]
I want to be a better wife too! I feel like when I'm up and active, and doing my housewife "duties"(haha) Our relationship and the way we treat each other is 100 times better!

My life was better yesterday then it was the day before. And today my life is better then it was yesterday. I can only imagine how FANTASTIC it's going to get over the next few week, as I keep this schedule going!

How can YOU make YOUR life better?