
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our Life?

I feel like I never blog...
1- I have nothing to blog about.
2- Bobby's home more which makes LESS time for blogging.

But here you go!

We've had a fantastic start to the new year! Boston is growing and growing and growing! Bobby is doing the school thing and keeping busy with working out and playing with his friends! =] and me... Well, I sometimes feel like I run around like a chicken with my head cut off! Boston is getting so close to talking and says almost anything with tell him to... Even if it is 3 minutes after we ask him to say it! =] We only have 2 1/2 more months till nursery and I couldn't be more excited! I figure we'll start "kind of" taking him next month to get him used to it. I don't think he'll have a problem, but you never know! Since Bobby is home more, Boston has been a terror! He does so good when Bobby is gone and is the best "toddler" in the world! But when Bobby gets home or if he's home all day Boston is a little punk! He just likes his Daddy so much that he wants to be with him, in his arms, at all times!

Photography is really picking up! I'm loving doing it and it's such a fun side job! I've already booked 4 wedding, 1 newborn, 2 engagements, and 1 family session from now till July. And that's just been this week! I can't wait to be busy doing something that I absolutely LOVE doing! I had actually been looking for a job, something to keep me busy so I wouldn't go crazy... Then, I realized that I was doing something that I loved doing, and it was keeping me just busy enough! =] So if you or anyone you know needs/wants pictures... Send them my way!

Something else I've been busy doing? Working out with my best friend! Katie and I have been working out everyday for the last 2 weeks! Right now we are doing Jillian Michaels and will be moving on to Level TWO tomorrow! Aren't you so proud!? We're even gonna do P90X when we finish with Jillian kicking our bums! Bobby does P90X every morning with one of his friends too. It's a good thing we have these friends of ours or we would probably never work out! Well, I know I wouldn't anyways! Hmmm... What else is going on in the Martinez household?

Bobby and I are planning our next vacation! Any suggestions!?

One more thing... Babies. I feel like ALL I think about nowadays is having another baby! I want to... I don't want to... I want to... But I know I really probably don't/do want to. Get it? I love babies. I love little kids. I love kids in general. But MAN! Having one of your own is completely different! And we have an EASY one! haha... I just don't want our kids to be forever apart like my siblings and I are. I always thought, Hey, 2 years is PERFECT! That would mean that I would be pregnant right now. They'd be exactly 2 years apart. Well, I still don't think I'm read to be pregnant just yet. I also don't think I'm ready to be changing 2 sets of diapers.  So... We'll wait. Who knows how much longer? But we will wait! Plus... It'd be so much harder to travel with 2, right? Plus once you have 2... You might as well have 3. And I don't want 3! I just want 2! haha... okay enough rambling! I'm not pregnant.

Okay that will do! Maybe my next post will be more interesting and maybe even possibly have pictures! wahooo! Maybe!?