
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monterey, My Birfday, and Ranting/Pet Peeves!

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Idaho. Because I do, parts of it.
I miss my family like crazy,
I miss my friends a lot too,
I also miss the snow cone shack,
And the nice people that live in Idaho.

But I’d also be lying if I said that I didn’t LOVE it here in California! Seeing as I grew up in Idaho, I had all my friends and family around me! So I always knew I had someone to hang out with. When we move for the summers, we have our “summer friends” who are moving with us too! So no matter where we go we usually have “friends” to hang out with and keep us entertained! So moving to Monterey was really hard for me! I knew that if we were in San Jose then we would have Bobby’s friends from high school, but we are an hour away from there. On our way out here I told Bobby, “this is gonna suck! I’m not gonna have any friends!” and he pretty much just told me to suck it up and make friends! He’s so sympathetic! =] Well, I feel like I’ve already made a ton of friends! Our ward and bishop have been so welcoming! There are plenty of young people and everyone has been so nice! And we’ve loved hanging out with our “new” friends! Another thing that I was worried about was the money. No, not our money. Other people’s money! I haven’t always had good experiences with people “with money!” but here; it’s not like that! Everyone is just so amazing! It’s great!

Anyways, on to my birthday! It was a great day! We decided not to do anything big, mainly for the “babysitting” purposes! But Bobby spoiled me rotten! I got breakfast in bed, then he took me for Mexican food, then we came back to the house and had dinner and cake with Bobby’s parents, grandparents, Brett, Erik, and Jeremy! If was super low key, but still lots of fun! I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Since I’m GREAT at losing things and lost my iPhone a while back, my birthday present from Bobby is EXACTLY what I wanted! The new iPhone 4! I don’t think I’ve been soooo excited about a birthday present before! Is that weird? I obviously don’t have it yet, since it doesn’t come out till the 24th, but just KNOWING that I get to get it is the best feeling! =] My other present though, I get that tomorrow! I’m FINALLY getting my hair done! The girl that usually does my hair had a baby a couple months before I left Idaho and wasn’t doing hair anymore, so I had planned to get it done while in Missouri. But as soon as I found someone to do it, we moved. Well this morning I found the colors that I want and a salon that will be perfect! I hope anyways! We’ll find out tomorrow! =/
but i sure had a fun day with this babe!
blowing out my AMAZING cake...
that i'm pretty sure i just spit all over! =]
just so you know, being 21 is COMPLETELY different then being 20! ya dig!?

Also, this week here on the central coast, is the U.S. Open… HOLY COW! Sooo many people all over the place! And famous golfers at our church! We got to meet Johnny Miller yesterday! =] Whoooppp! Haha… Plus tons of super nice cars all over the place. We are hoping to go to the open for at least a couple of hours this coming weekend.   I’m of course not a very good golfer, AT ALL. But I’m so fascinated by famous people! I have no idea why!? There is apparently a ton of famous people here this week. And I just really want to see Tiger! I just need to make sure he’s a real person! ;)

In other news, I’ve developed a new pet peeve for LAZY people! Why you ask? I don’t know!? For instance, if your dad needs help doing yard work, help him! Don’t fight him on it! Or if you want to lose weight, WORK OUT! Don’t cheat your way to being skinny! It’s unhealthy! And you’ll have nasty excess skin! Bahaha! Or pick up after yourself!! Is it seriously that HARD!? Pick it up, put it away, botta bing botta boom! Done! I understand having lazy days and what not, I have them too. But lazy LIFE style! Uncalled for! I hate how hard I work around the house, on myself, for Boston ect. And yet I have to watch people cheat and do nothing! Like how hard I worked to lose weight and feel good about myself yet some people just take diet pills and CHEAT! Cheaters! Haha… or people who have maids. CHEATERS! Okay, maybe I’m just jealous of that one! And I should probably just be done blogging. Maybe its a good thing Bobby’s parents don’t have Internet yet. I’d probably be blogging EVERYDAY!