
Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okay, so I'm here in sunny California and I can't help but miss Idaho! Whenever I'm on Facebook I see all these people saying how much they hate Idaho and the weather and... BLAH BLAH BLAH! I'm sick of it! I want to be in Idaho soooo bad so... I'm going to name 20 things I love about Idaho!

1. All of my family is there!
2. No matter what time of year it is... it's BEAUTIFUL! Think about it... Spring... Summer... Fall... Winter! All beautiful for different reasons!
3. As much as people say there is nothing to do there... I want someone to name ONE thing that you can't do there that doesn't include the word "ocean"! You can surf, you can go to the "beach"... We have so many different seasons you can do whatever!
4. The people... I love that in Idaho if you run into someone in a store on accident you both apologize! Here I run into someone and say sorry and they look at my look I'm stupid!
5. There is NO doubt that when you go to the store you won't see someone that you know! or atleast someone that knows someone that you know! ha.
6. On Sunday if you go through Rexburg... There is hardly anyone anywhere! GAHHLLL i miss that! Here... that's the day you go out!
7. There ISSS such a thing as "bridge jumping!"
8. The Sno Cone shack in Rexburg! Holy cow! I can't wait to visit this summer JUST for that!
9. When you drive 5 miles and actually pass someone... They wave at you! Once again... NICE people!
10. Everyone on your street goes to the same church... yuuuppp we are ALLL mormon there! And as much as some people hate that... I love it! At least you know that with almost whoever you meet anywhere you have at least one thing in common and that's the church.
11. Everyone is into supporting there High School sports teams. Here everyones into the pros and stuff... I get that and that's something I love about here... But what about the little guys! The want support from people besides there parents!
12. When you drive down the street you are SURE to see at least one tractor, truck, or a potato something or other!
13. "Swimming" in the canal! Where else do they do that!?
14. The way people always say we talk funny! But to us... It's normal!
15. The way that I can walk about outside with no shoes on in the summer! Screw sand! We have all that dirt we can play in!
16. One acre to us is small! But to someone from California they don't know what to do with that much land!
17. That we can sit in a hot tub in the middle of winter and it's snowing and it's absolutely beautiful and NO ONE complains!
18. If sirens go off and we see cop lights flashing we ALL rush to the window, because in Idaho the only time we see that is if WE are getting pulled over and someone go hurt at the sand dunes!
19. We have the most GORGEOUS temples of all the temples! With landscaping... View and everything!
20. We all say how much we can't wait to get out of Idaho and move! But either we NEVER do... or once we do... We miss it SOOOO much that we write blogs about what we love about it... And always end up coming back!


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Hey Lindsey, just randomly found you and had to tell you that it was good to see someone saying good things about Idaho! People are always doggin' on it huh? Congrats on the baby news! That's really exciting! If you want to be able to see our blog, send your email to!

Hailee said...

Hey congrats on the prego news, we are excited for ya it is a pretty neat thing and we are loving being parents. Tell bobby hi and you two take care