
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

toddler boy

i have a toddler. and he has been driving me nuts!! i never blog about the bad things. i've heard the your life is just perfect! more times then i can count. but today was a day. a day from hell... (sorry if that's too blunt) starting off with me feeling like crap and being completely exhausted and ending with 1 crying momma 1 frustrated (and i swear almost in tears) daddy and 2 crying kiddos! yes. one of those days. when bobby got home, he could tell i had just about had enough. he gathered up both kids in the car and took them to the store. little did i know that by the time he got back i'd have a red faced little boy, an extremely frustrated husband, and a daughter that had no idea what in the world was going on.

boston has been testing the waters of how far he can push you until you say yes. i don't give in. he knows this. bobby does. he knows that. i tell bobby over and over that if he says no he needs to stick with NO. it drives me absolutely nuts when i hear bobby tell boston no just to hear him say fine, you can if you do this or that!  apparently the grocery store and boston having a bad day was all he needed to figure this out! as soon as bobby got mean with boston, he listened. and it clicked! FINALLY! haha.

any advice on this 3 year old stage? it could be worse. but i'm still going nuts! we will be driving down the road and boston will ask for something as simple as an apple. i tell him that as soon as we get home he can have one. but please, mom!! really child?? i just said yes! i can't pull an apple out of my pocket! for a long time i realized that, hey, if i don't make boston take a nap, he goes to bed so easily! well, since he is in his own room again, he loves naps. he NEEDS naps. IIIII need naps!!! (and he is back to going to bed easily no matter what) today, a nap didn't even cross my mind. until about 4 when i was literally at the end of my rope! so tomorrow is a new day. and tomorrow boston has school. and tomorrow boston is taking a nap.

and tonight. i prayed for more patience.
and for beckett to be an incredibly easy toddler!
(hey, it's my prayer! ;))