
Friday, October 28, 2011

too long!

So I'm horrible at blogging right now! When I was pregnant with Boston I did all of my blogging in the middle of the night when I would wake up and couldn't sleep! I thought that I would do that this time around... But honestly, I've been sleeping pretty great at night! I wake up with random contraction that are pretty painful, but I can usually fall right back to sleep. Plus I have one BUSY boy keeping me BUSY throughout the day so blogging has taken a backseat.

I also don't have much to say?? So I will update on the pregnancy and then share LOTS of pictures with you! :)

I'm almost 38 weeks. And not really ready for this little girl to make her appearance yet. Some days I say, "I'm DONE! Get her out!" But most days I say, "Stay in!" haha. I'm having extremely mixed emotions about her arrival. I can't wrap my head around the fact that not only am I having a baby, I'm having ANOTHER baby! At my 36 week appointment baby girl was still breech. So the doctor went ahead and turned her! Talk about relief! She moved extremely easily. And it wasn't as painful as people say it is! Plus we got to have another ultrasound! And let me tell you... 3rd Trimester ultrasounds are kinda boring. Maybe it was because we weren't trying to see her, we were just trying to get her positioning. But when you compare them to the last time you saw them on an ultrasound... They look HUGE! Anyways, after the Doctor Lovell turned her, we were there for another hour for monitoring with a non stress test. & she was doing great. I was a little sore for the next couple of days, but it was worth it! Wellllll... I'm not the type of person that can point to a hard spot on my stomach and say, "That's her foot." or "That's her bum!" I have NO idea! All the parts poking out feel the exact same to me! So going in for my 37 week appointment I wasn't sure if she was even still head down or if she had turned!? & as the doctor was feeling my stomach he said, "Wow, this ones has lots of hard parts!" Which about gave Bobby a heart attack thinking that there was going to be 2 heads in there! ha. Well, the doctor "thinks" she is still head down. And I'm starting to think that also. But we will have another ultrasound on Monday and if she isn't he thinks that since she turned so easy last time and if she was actually able to turn on her own this late in the pregnancy then we shouldn't have a problem turning her again. Such a trouble maker! We are about as prepared for her to come as we can get right now. Even though I feel completely unprepared but I have no idea what else we would need/want? I'm also still not convinced that she is going to be small like the doctor says. Average birth weight is between 7-8 pounds and Boston was 7lbs 2 oz... I expect her to be somewhere around there! Just no 9 pounder please!! :)

As for this little guy living with me, he is always on the go! And I'm usually always exhausted! Poor guy... Here are LOTS of pictures of the last few weeks and what we have been up to!
We went to Nature Park one morning and saw some ducks! He LOVED it!
This is the face I got when they started quacking! You should've seen his face when they started chasing us! He wasn't as thrilled!
He got this coat for his birthday and he LOVES it!
I can't believe how BIG he is getting! It's so crazy to me!
& how can you not LOVE that grin!
Every time we go to Walmart he HAS to look at the fishes! Or else he freaks! But as long as he get's to say hi and bye, he's just fine.
He's such a goober! Whenever I tell him I'm going to take a picture of him he either pretends to sleep. Or yells CHEEEEEESE really loud making the face in the first picture! I'm not sure if you've met Moe or not. But that's his monkey that Grandpa Hunter gave him for Christmas last year! He sleeps with him every night!
He loves POPSICLES! But hates how cold they are! haha
Our friends got us this blanket and outfit for baby girl and Boston found the blanket one morning! When I tried to take it from him he about had a meltdown. haha. 
I got a second diaper bag! I've been waiting to get it until Petunia Pickle Bottom had there outlet sale and they had the exact one that I wanted! I was pretty happy! :) 

Sorry for the long drawn out post. I guess this is what happens when I put it off for weeks and weeks! :) If I keep doing that then the next post you'll get is one announcing Baby Martinez's arrival!