
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why is life so...

i feel like i've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off!

i want to crawl into bed and not get up until April! Well March 5th...
i had a photo shoot last Monday, Tuesday, Saturday (which you could call 2 photo shoots,) and Today.
we hang out with friends almost every night. (which i LOVE by the way!) =]
we have a very busy LOUD little boy.
i have a problem with always wanting to pick up a new hobby. (whether or not i finish the project.)
apparently we have a new addiction to pizza.
I have a problem with sending texts to my husband thinking no one will read them! at least it was considered funny! hehe. dang boys!
i try to start too many projects before i can finish the last one.
my feet hurt from running tonight. they never hurt. is it the shoes i wore today? i don't know? but they are sore.

speaking of running. since i've officially been following through with my work outs, i guess i can explain exactly what i'm doing. i haven't wanted to blog about it, just in case i flake. but since i haven't "flaked" yet. i guess i can let my secret go!
when i started running in California my plan was to do this, but we moved and i was lazy and so on and so forth.
well... since it's been almost 5 weeks. (i know, i'm amazing right! ;)
anyways, i started at one mile and have been going up .5 miles every 5 days, trying to get fit and get tone and blah, blah, blah.
i decided i wanted to do a 100 miles in 100 days type of thing. obviously it's going to be less then 100 days but you get the drift! i haven't been running saturday and sunday... but i think i'll start running saturdays in hopes of getting my 100 miles done faster. i'm only up to 2.5 miles a day but i'm ready for 5! i just don't want to burn myself out by doing too much at one time! i've ran a total of 30 miles already so i'm getting there! wahoo for getting fit! plus bobby told me my legs looked toner today. don't you love little comments like that from husbands?! they DO notice! ;)
p.s. running is why i'm blogging right now. since bobby was in utah this morning i didn't have my usual alarm clock of 5:30 p90x husband to wake me up at 7 when he came home! so thank you 9 pm run! i'm now WIDE awake and ready to take on the world... wait.

speaking of the husband.
did you know that him and jeff make absolutely amazing pizza!? oh they do! in fact we had 10 people in our apartment on sunday for pizza! and this was even minus some friends!

also, the husband sold his motorcycle. which i'm totally okay with! he had a dream he crashed it and was paralyzed. bye, bye motorcycle!

besides editing lots of wedding & lots of newborn pictures, this will be my week off and i can't wait to get LOTS done and play with Boston! yayyyy for teaching my baby lots of new things! =]

oh this is my latest project. my friend erin has been making lots of bows for her future baby girl, due in 4 weeks! =] so i could resist making bows of my own! (totally for photography reasons!) no baby girl for me! so here is a crappy phone picture that doesn't do them justice!


ailinh said...

Girl, I am totally with ya when it comes to creating too many projects than I can keep up with. Anywho, I hope things start slowing down here and there so you can get a breather or two. :)