Dear Stranger,
You don't know me. Who knows if you'll ever know me? But maybe... Maybe one day we'll meet. That'll be a great day! I love meeting new people. But maybe... Just maybe... You'll one day know me because of something I did. One day you could see my name in lights, did you know that? Or on a book cover. Possibly as a copyright on a photo? But one day we'll meet. It could be on the streets in New York City. Maybe a beach in Southern California. Possibly a potato field in Idaho! Maybe a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Or even taking our children off to college! Wherever that may be!
Well Stranger, here are some things that you'll need to know about me if that day ever comes.
1. I love my job as a mother, I wouldn't change it for the world.
2. I love my other job as a wife.
3. I love family. Even though some would say that I have a "crazzyyy" family!
4. I'm a daddy's girl!
5. My mom died when I was 18.
6. Music calms me.
7. I love photography.
8. One day I want to take a picture of the WORLD!
9. I have bigger dreams than this teeny tiny apartment I live in now.
10. I have faith in my husband, his personality, his skills, and his testimony that he will be able to provide for me and our family.
For now that's all. Kay, Mr. S. Until we meet! =]
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