
Thursday, July 16, 2009

What we've been up to...

Yayyy... I've been sooo excited for this movie to come out! Of course it wasn't as good as the book... But give me a movie that's based on a book that IS as good as the book and I'll give YOU a million dollars! ;) Anyways, I was very thankful that Bobby put up with me enough to go and see this. All of our friends out here were going to the midnight premiere and having a movie night and watching the fifth one the night before... Well, I got Bobby TO the party... ha... we ate and then ended up leaving. Only because he couldn't handle the "nerdyness" of the movie! haha... So I spared him and didn't buy tickets to the midnight premiere, because I knew he didn't want to go. But I made him promise me that he'd go with me. So we went this morning at 9:00 so that he could be back in time for work. Yes, it was good. Now I want to read the books again cause I didn't remember a lot of the stuff, and have NO clue what happens in the 7th book!
Other things that we've done:

*We went on a double date with Shawn and Erin. =]] I've realized my social skills are going out the window! (BAD) So, it's really nice to go out with other people!

*Made it through ALL of church... This might not sound like a big deal. (We're supposed to do it every Sunday) But since we've moved down here we've probably made it through all of church 5 times! The excuse, "I don't feel good." seems to come out of my mouth a lot! But luckily... I've made a goal to not do that anymore! 

*Had a BBQ/Potluck with 3 other couples on Sunday, then spent the rest of the day just hanging out playing games and having fun.

*I read a book in a day. I LOVE reading! As long as it's something I can get into anyways. Well, while I was in Idaho I spent so much money at Deseret Book that they gave me 7 discount tickets to Lagoon and a FREE BOOK! The book was called "Searching for Charlie" of something like that? (Too lazy to look.) Anyways, after I got home I just stuck it in a drawer, because I didn't think it looked good! I was bored one day and took it out then ended up not being able to put it down! It was AMAZING!
ONLY 27 weeks.. goodness... SO MUCH LONGER!
*I've gotten fatter... What can I say? The weight just WON'T stay off!! As much as it drives me nuts, and as hard as it's getting for me to look in the mirror, I know it's a good thing! (Or so I keep telling myself!?) =]]]

*The most exciting news!! I bought a plane ticket to come home and visit!! YAHOOO!! I mainly want a sno cone! Oh, and to see some family! =] I'll be there from next Thursday-Tuesday. My dads been asking me if I was coming for awhile... And at first the answer was always, yes. But recently I've just been like "It's too expensive to fly, I don't wanna be away from Bobby. Excuse, Excuse, Excuse!" Well, Bobby finally just told me that I was going and I didn't have a choice! My dad is having a family reunion and I'm SOOO excited to see my aunts and uncles from his side! They have all been absolutely AMAZING to me in my life... And have all been amazing examples! Everyone of them has such an amazing outlook on life and I can't wait to just be with all my family! Plus I can't wait to see my daddy! Not gonna lie... I'm a TOTALLY daddy's girl! Through and Through! I had a hard time getting married because I didn't want to leave him! Plus I want to visit my mom while I'm there. The last time I did was in March. And before that I don't even know? I have a hard time going out there but I know it's good for me. Anyways... I always tell myself not to right a novel and I always do! Sheeeesh! Anyways... I hope to see some of you guys over the Pioneer Days weekend!!


Melanie said...

That's great that you get to come home for a little bit! I've been really homesick too lately, so I definitely know how you feel. AND I'm excited to see Harry Potter sometime this week too. Hope you're doing well--and remember this: you are super cute, NOT fat!!!