I feel like lately I've had a lot of this that when I hear about it I think UGHHH... That is such a big pet peeve of mine!!
Today I hear another one.
A girl on facebook was complaining about a baby crying on the airplane she was on.
When Bobby's dad does job interviews he asks people, "What do you do or say if there is a baby crying on your plane?"
If any of there answers have ANYTHING to do with being annoyed, or asking a parent to have their child be quiet he won't even take a second look at the application. While flying parents are completely humiliated if their children or child is misbehaving! Wouldn't you be? Boston is a wonderful flier but even if he starts talking I feel like i need to shush him!... Baby and Toddler and Children... There EARS hurt on airplanes. They are cramped into little spaces with nothing to do! How could your first thought not be for the parents and for the poor baby whose ears probably hurt! Ughh... PET PEEVE! You'll probably get a few more of these posts... But oh well! ;)
I think its really sad when babies cry on the airplane.. I feel so bad for the moms who have no where to go, and they are probably super embarassed that they cant really do much because, they like everyone else has to fly.. and we just have to learn to love the crying.
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